Evaluación de vitamina C por HPLC en el desarrollo postcosecha del tomate (Solanum lycopersicum v. Dominator)
Research was intended to evaluator tomato development postharvest comes from the Valley of Santa, Ancash. It was harvested in physiological maturity, analyzing the tomato up to his sensory maturity. The evaluations were content of vitamin C, lost weigh, solid solubles, pH, acidity, maturity rate, respiration rate, color, humidity. At the end of the analysis, is established that the vitamin C (mg/100gr) content decreases from 85±0,04 (1 stage), to 26±0,03 (7 stage),. Whereas from the first to the last day, the results its weight diminishes in 5,79 %, soluble solid increases from 4,0±0,10 to 7,5±0,01; pH decreases from 4,38±0,02 to 4,94±0,03; acidity decreases (6,45 % ± 0,02 % - 2,69 % ± 0,01 %); the rate respiration immediately after being harvested increases significantly from 40,42±0,10 to 71,12±0,96 (6 stage), whereas in the 7 stage diminishes 64,33±0,11 and the color, being green color to red total.