Gestión de Inundación por Caudales Máximos en la Subcuenca Baja de la Quebrada del Río Huaycoloro - Río Rímac
Management, flood hazard, vulnerability, risk, gabions, agroforestryAbstract
The objective of this thesis is to investigate the management of flood peak flows in the lower subbasin Gulch
Huaycoloro river, in order to help improve the quality of life of the towns as Cajamarquilla Jicamarca and Huachipa, this research is structured in 4 chapters. The first chapter develops the problem, objectives; hypotheses are shown with their respective variables and justify their relevance and importance of this research. In the second chapter the conceptual framework and the environmental regulatory framework that supports the decision-making criteria and proposals for conservation and riverine defenses shown. In the third chapter the methodology used for each objective proposed is described, also the type of research and methods, materials and equipment is detailed, steps in conducting this study. The fourth chapter describes the environmental diagnosis of Huaycoloro subwatershed, which has a 492.9 km2 area and length of the main river is 49.7 km, the morphological features give you a greater area percentage of 54 % (hill and mountain - Mountain slope steep to steep) 3 climates presents a semi- arid to poor rains, in geology presents predominance of igneous rocks, likewise in the socio economic characteristics highlights that 38,436 inhabitants equivalent to 60 % of extreme poverty; precipitation maximum within 24 hours of various sub from 5 mm to 30 mm , the maximum flow resulting to a return period to 10 years of 75 m3 / s , for 50 years and eventually 104 to 100 years 120 m3 / estimated s . Also, the criteria for risk management which includes the hazards and vulnerability analysis, identifying risk in flood zones that correspond to 50 years has 37 critical flood stage is set.