Estimación del potencial energético del gas pobre obtenido de la gasificación del bagazo de caña de azúcar en el Perú


  • Victor Petrell Cesar Zavala
  • Victor Hugo Petrell Huamán



Gasification, energy potential, downdraft gasifier, agricultural residues


The purpose of this work was to estimate the energy potential of producer gas obtained from sugarcane bagasse gasification of computational way in gasifiers downdraft, through of a mathematical model that has considered the size of biomass fragments. For this purpose, we have had to determine the area dedicated to the cultivation of sugarcane, the amount of sugarcane produced by each cultivated area, the amount of bagasse obtained from sugarcane and the proportion of moisture and dry residue, using Peruvian statistical data. The humidity of the bagasse should be less than 20% but should not be completely dry. The mathematical model of Prokash Roy has been considered, having an impact   on the constants of chemical equilibrium and the rates of chemical reactions that are kinetically controlled at finite speed. A new coding has been used in the Python programming language version 3.x, using an interactive platform called Jupyter Notebook. It has been estimated that the energy potential of the poor gas from the gasification of sugarcane bagasse was 19396.6 TJ per year as a maximum value and 16843.7 TJ per year as a minimum value.






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