Un modelo para visualizar objetos en 4D con el Mathematica


  • Ricardo Velezmoro y Colls.




A variety of computer graphics techniques have enabled the display of objects, which exist in higher dimensions, on a 2D screen. In this paper a new model from the extension of a technique useful in visualizing 3D objects on a 2D screen to make something similar with 4D objects is proposed. This technique is based on the definition of a immersion, in the first instance, from the three-dimensional space in two-dimensional space which is then taken as a reference to define another immersion, which is the model proposed in this paper, from the fourdimensional space in three dimensional space. Theoretically the visualization of objects in 4D on a 2D screen is achieved by the composition of the two immersions mentioned, but in practice the incorporated commands into the computer algebra system Mathematica for this purpose are utilized.






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