«Obtención, caracterización y diseño de una forma farmacéutica semisólida (ungüento) a base de quitosano con efecto cicatrizante»


  • Lady C Baltodano T y Cols.




In the present work the wound healing effect of the chitosan was studied, the chitosan obtained for desacetylation of chitin from the crab´s shells of the variety Cancer cetosus «Shaggy Crab «, under the pharmaceutical form of unguent at different concentrations. For it there was isolated the chitin from the shell of crabs, the chitosan was obtained for desacetylation and identified by spectrophotometric method (IR), solubility, determining the degree of desacetylatión by way of potentiometric qualifications and later the unguent was formulated. For the determination of the wound healing effect we used the test of wound healing described by Howes and col., for incision wounds; we used 48 female albino mice of the species Mus músculos of 1 month and a half of age, with a weight inside the range of 25 to 33g. The samples were administrated every 12 hours for a period of 72 hours., at the conclusion of the experiment the resistance that the treated wounds were offering, was quantified verifying them with their respective controls and histological cuts were realized to observe the degree of histological evolution of the process of wound healing. The chitosan, obtained by desacetylation from Chitin presents major wound healing activity under the pharmaceutical form of unguent at 0,25% (79,28% wound healing effect) in comparison with the group control (base of the unguent), it is concluded that under the test conditions chitosan possesses a significant healing wound effect.






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