Desarrollo de un Dispositivo basado en el Concepto de Enmascarador de Voz


  • Emilio Villavicencio Chamorro y Cols.



In our country, the basic treatment to improve or overcome the problem of auditory feedback due to lack of use of the proprioceptive channel (stuttering syndrome) is the speech therapy, which is based on work of breathing, phonation and articulation disorders verbal, in some cases additionally receive psychological help. Meanwhile, in developed countries in addition to the above treatments incorporate sophisticated medical equipment (audiometers) that the treatment is much more effective, therefore a noticeable improvement in less time. In this sense, this work goes in search of purpose, with the design and development of a portable electronic device with low power consumption. This device emits a sound (tone) of variable intensity and frequency in such a way that conforms to the auditory characteristics of each person (nice tone) at the time when the person speaking stuttering, ie, when the microphone detects the presence of voice subject and is transmitted to your ears through headphones, so the subject does not auditory feedback of their speech but proprioceptive. With this altered auditory feedback allows the person with disfémia overcome the problems of anxiety and an improvement in their fluency of speech.






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