Determinación densidad de plantas/ha, en la siembra de ají paprika variedad Papriking para obtener campos con 80% de recojo y con daño mecánico menor al 25% en un proceso de cosecha mecanizada con cabezales de rotación invertida en Agrícola Cerro Prieto S


  • Carlos Gozzer Puescas





This article entitled "Determining density of plants/ha in planting ají paprika variety papriking to obtain fields with 80% of pickup, and mechanical damage with less than 25% in a process of mechanized harvest heads with inverted rotation in agricultural cerro prieto S.A. C. " has been developed with the purpose to determine the density of planting of ají paprika to achieve the mechanization of crop paprika. The work of research was conducted at the Cerro Prieto Agricultural Company S.A.C, dedicated to the production, packaging and marketing of agricultural products located in the north of Peru, between the valleys of Jequetepeque and Zana, and is a product of the development of a 100% private irrigation that covers 5.700 hectares [1]. For the development of this work has been used as observation data collection technique, which served as a source of information to determine the scope of the project. We analyze different planting densities for achieving determine plants/ha to obtain fields with 80% of pickup. For this reason, the present work was experimental and was working with 3 different densities (66.000 /133.000 /266.000) plants/ha with irrigation of single and double hose. As a result of this investigation, we can conclude that using the density determination (266.000 plants/has) you can obtain a mechanization of crop of aji paprika with a mechanical damage less than 25 %.






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