Efecto anticonceptivo y postcoital del extracto etanólico de lashojas del Desmodium molliculum (HBK).DC “Manayupa” en ratas hembras Holtzmann


  • Fidel Ernesto Acaro Chuquicaña




Anticonceptivo, Postcoital, Desmodium molliculum, Plantas Anticonceptiva.


Our objective was to determine the effect of postcoital contraception and ethanol extract of the leaves of Desmodium molliculum (HBK). DC Holtzmann in adult female rats. The leaves were collected in the valley of Baños del Inca, Cajamarca department, which is used as a diuretic, purifying the blood, prevent bleeding, inflammatory urinary tract, liver and kidneys. We used 80 female rats were randomly selected according to the inclusion criteria, and divided into 2 groups, each consisting of 5 subgroups of 8 male rats and female rats for pairing (1 male: 2 females). Group 1: 40 rats to evaluate the contraceptive effect of the extract of Desmodium molliculum a 100mg/ml solution orally at 200mg/kg, 600mg/kg and 1000mg/kg. Two groups as saline controls and 15mg/kg dose medroxyprogesterone. Group 2: 40 rats to evaluate the effect of post-coital Desmodium molliculum extract a 100mg/ml solution orally at 200mg/kg dose, 600 mg / kg and 1000mg/kg. Two control groups were used and Levonorgestrel saline at doses of 50ug/kg. The contraceptive effect was assessed by quantifying indicators pregnancy, number of locations and number of fetuses; the effect was evaluated post-coital pregnancy indicators, number of implantations, number of live fetuses and dead fetuses number. Phytochemical screening shows that the samples under study show a considerable amount of secondary metabolites, highlighting significant amounts of flavonoids, phenolic compounds, steroids, alkaloids and tannins were in greater amounts in the ethanol extract. Evaluation of rats receiving a dose of alcoholic solution 200mg/kg.600mg/kg, 1000mg/kg decreased pregnancy, fetuses and the number deployments and postcoital contraceptive activity. Descriptive analyzes were performed and statistical tests of significance ANOVA and Tukey (p <0.05). Concluding that under experimental conditions the results show that the ethanol extract of Desmodium molliculum effect and postcoital contraception in female rats Holtzmann.






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